Franz Bardon Resource List

This will be a continually updated resource. If you have links to submit please send via the contact form OR leave a comment with a sentence about the link so that we can quickly add it to this resource list. At first this will be a basic list but as time goes on it will become, I hope one of the most thorough and complete lists available.

Students of Franz Bardonwww.studentsoffranzbardon.comBlog, Courses, Interviews
Perseus Arcane Academyhttp://www.perseusarcaneacademy.comAll types of Magic, Paid Courses
Mystery Collegewww.mysterycollege.comRun by Jake, features Sifu Mark Rasmus and Jakes Courses.
Sixty Skillswww.sixtyskills.comBob the founder has a complete range of courses covering IIH, PME, KTQ and more.
Czech Hermeticswww.czechhermetics.comBringing hard to find info on Bardon and Czech Hermetics into the public.
Rawn ClarkBest place to find him now is his youtube channel.A legend, wrote ‘A Bardon Companion’ before most of us started. Hugely helpful and still creating on his youtube channel.
Martin One of the first to show demonstrations on his youtube channel. He also runs Seshen a guided path through IIH and beyond.
SURA Academywww.sura-academy.comRun by Ray Del Sole. A full curriculum.
Sifu Mark Rasmuswww.markrasmus.orgThe teacher of teachers. Runs courses to take you from IIH all the way to KTQ.
Franz Bardon Apprentices – FB GroupSearch on FBA group for beginners and general discussion.
Students of Franz Bardon – FB GroupSearch on FBA group focusing on steps 1-4 of IIH.

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2 years ago

This is Virgil’s Franz Bardon blog. He doesn’t post on it really often, but I have gained great benefit from his books in my own journey.